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Our advantages

No matter what device you’re using, the NiceSS advantage is compatible with any open source software! There is no need to use a special APP, and you can choose freely without constraints. It is available for macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and in addition to that, you can also set it up on accessories like your router OpenWRT, Network Attached Storage (NAS), streaming devices, and more. Protect and accelerate the world of global networking with NiceSS!

Absolute privacy

No matter where you are or which website you’re connected to, you can remain anonymous and not tracked. We protect your privacy by changing your location (IP address). As a result, websites, hackers, and advertisers can’t track your information.

0 logs guarantee

In the digital age, online anonymity and data protection are crucial. We play a key role in protecting our users’ privacy, and our no-logs policy is a fundamental aspect of keeping your online identity safe. Your privacy is our top priority.

Uncompromising speed

Maintaining high-speed connections requires a lot of resources, such as ultra-fast node servers and industry-leading protocols around the world. Our technology will guarantee that you will always experience high speeds. Improve your user experience and network speed.

Use the internet uncensored

Regardless of the censorship regimes in specific countries, you deserve the convenience of the Internet. Connect to a VPN server to bypass these oppressive censorship.


How do I get started

Secure your digital life in 3 easy steps


We have some interesting indicators

We offer fast connections at affordable prices and high security encryption with SSL 256-bit encryption to protect your privacy. Professional business assurance provides connection guarantee for business users and stable business operation.

  • 40% off
    Cheaper than the market price
  • 256bit
    SSL protects personal privacy
  • 1000+ MB
    Network bandwidth
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Created exclusively for streaming entertainment users

No matter where you’re from, we’ll provide you with real-time support for streaming platforms in each region.

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Flexible package plans

Our plans are very flexible, and you can change your plan at any time each month based on your usage, and you can purchase as many plans as you can with one account. Meet your every requirement.


See what our users have to say


Unhindered access

I am a foreign teacher and have been in China for a long time, and due to the need to search for English teaching tools and courseware, Nicess’s service gives me unhindered access.


Devon Lane

Foreign teachers


Switch networks at any time

I’m a travel enthusiast and the countries I need to travel to may have restrictions, so using NiceSS helps me skip those restrictions.





Provide a good trade interconnection communication network

As an outward-looking team, we have been trading with various countries, and NiceSS enterprise service is the most secure partner for us in business.


Savannah Nguyen



Watch excellent movie

For me, movies are an indispensable part of my life, and I use NiceSS to watch great films.



Movie lovers


Games are everywhere

It is the happiest thing for me to speed up the download and game of the latest Steam game releases.



Game lovers